Thursday, December 14, 2006

a dffrnt beet - not just lateral thinking but latrl thinkn

if u mak up readn ths stff 2 its end thn it servs it vry simpl purps. 2 b precis it konvys u nuthin précis , but it dus konvy u sumthn. wat it konvys the decision is up2 u. 2 try out a diffrnt root. its smthn which v always giv 2nd prfrns. v prfr the usual komfrtbl way. the dffrnt root may not always b the dffklt root provdd v trid tat. but only if u try out tat, u
kan realze it and njoy
the beauty underlying tat.

our mind follows a thot procdr in the way in which v r usd 2 thnk and thus traind 2 thnk , and v thnk (or dont think???) tat its the only way. the mor view points u ve the mor flxble is ur mind. our mind gets akstmd 2 a thot procdr jst lik the procdr in which v approch 2 solv a mathmtkl problm. not the same thot prcdr is reqrd 4 evry purpus and at tims its reqd tat v need 2 follw a thot pattrn n which our mind resists 2 thnk ; wat v lose if v dont go 4 tat. nuthin much? wat v gain if v go 4 tat dffrnt way? a lot !!!!!!! a sort of dffrnce , a sort of xcitemnt which kan at times give u lot of information frm the vry little availble data , which cud feel ncrdbl 2 othrs.


now abt an ntrstn karktrstc of our mnd. beliv it or not u kan read the follwn.

---------------------The pweor of the hmuanmnid-------------------------

I cnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mind Aoccdrnig 2 a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer inwaht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are,the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Amzanig huh? wlel os si slpeling taht ipmorantt.. (kourtsey: www)

nuthn 2 b precis frm abv. thers sumthn. now the fakt tat u r a male or female mattrs the way u think. kount the "F's" in the following text: (try only once)


now , male brains kant procss in the first go ,the F's in 'OF's. whil female brains kan , givin the kounts 3 and 6 rspktvly. u may test it with male n female frns of urs. its only with male n female 'brains'. ther kan b females whos got the male brain karktrstx and vice vrsa.
whethr it b a male brain or a female brain
at tims v need 2 handl komplx thngs , at times komplikatd ones. v use the terms komplx and komplikatd ntrchangbly. still it kan ve special meaning atleast 2 us. now the dffrnce bw kmplx and kompliktd. the fokz is not in the way in which diktionry dfines the 2. these 2 words kan b brot in ny field just 2 show the dffrns bw 2 katgris of tasks.

lets konsdr the rlvnce of thse 2 words in progrmmn. if u r askd 2 write a prgrm , thn a komplktd prgrm is tuf in its konstrktion. mostly its very diffklt 2 find the basik logk 2 b applied. the kod may b short wth only few lines. the vry natr of a komplx prgrm is tat its very lengthy of sum 100s or 1000s of lines. its diffklt 2 go wth its flow of kontrol. the numerus funktions, nstd ifs and klasses make it a tedious task 2 make out the original kontrl flow in between with less effort. but the underlyn fakt of a komplx prgrm is tat its logk and kod r simpl , made out frm the fundmntls. a 2nd prsn if shown the kod will feel a komplx prgrm as a kmpliktd 1. this kan b xtndd 2 any walks of life. say the dffrnce bw a komplx mathmatkl prblm and a kmplktd mthmtkl prblm.

4x findin a definition 4 the funktn shown by f(1)=1,f(2)=1,..,..,..,
f(9)=1,f(10)=2,f(11)=4,f(12)=5,f(13)=6,..,..,f(19)=12,f(20)=12,f(21)=13,,,(it ko
ntinues ) is a komplikated task;u kan fnd the genrl xprssion 4 or the genrl defntn of f(x)? ths is wat u kall a komplktd prblm now; onke if u knw tat "f(x)=the no: of digit 1's u have 2 use whn u write frm 1 to x" and now if u r askd 2 find out the nxt possble no: after 1 so that f(x)=x; the problem now is a komplex one. u now know the logk, now the only thin u need 2 get the solution is sum patienz and the konsstncy in the littl bit of hard wrk u r doin.

so tats abt kmplktd and kmplx. which do u like the more, kmplx or kmplktd? now watever it may b heres sumthng tat suits for both kinds of minds or for a kombination.u kan dkod ths?

only aftr drastik trials proceed reading. jst do it the dffrnt way and u ll get it. jst try 2 reed the dffrnt way frm the way u usd 2. hop u got it. 4 thos who stll didn’t make it ………… turn the buk upsid down and try. so tat much abt tat.

now 2 smthin which is mor ntrstin. wat informtion dus the follown data reprsnt? each item in the box gives a uniq infrmtion .

(kourtsey: www)

nuthn new kan b kreatd. vrythn is only a manifstation of tat which is alredy prsnt in ths natr in sum form or othr? watver man has kreatd it exists in sum form or anthr in this natr? 4x konsdr the kase of Bats. it kant c at nite . it flies sendin out ultrasonik waves. the waves get reflktd frm ny obstakls prsnt on their way,and the bats kan xaktly know wher its safe 2 go and where its not. our radar system is thus the xakt replika of
bat's travrsin systm. it sends out sound waves,detekts the sound tat is reflktd by a distnt obstakl,and with the tim takn btwn the trnsmission and rcption it kan mak out at wat distnce the obstakl is. v kan find out othr xmpls lik ANN(artificial neurl ntwrks) adapting the struktr of neurons of our body,the struktrs of robots adaptin frm the leg struktrs of spiders and the lik. vrythn kums frm natr. its a kmplx and kmplikatd intllgnt rekrsiv kontrl systm; wher the kontrl inturn evolvs frm its kreations, which kan tak inputs frm all forms of its kreations, both livin n non livin, n redirx rspnss 2 its kreations.

nxt tim whn u go out and c the world, luk it with a dffrnce? the realization tat it was not the world which u ve seen or which u belivd as it wud b, but its anothr world diffrnt atleast by a small faktor is quite xciting. atleest u kan mak an attmpt in tat. Try the dffrnt root!!!!!



Sols of the dkod thins. Frm lft 2 rite + top 2 down……… if u get nythn similr 2 the follown thn tats enuf.

Seven seas, missing you, split level, luky break, up before 8,i understand you undertake to undermine my undertaking, life starts at forty, standing ovation, jak in a box,tricykle,6 feet underground, broken promise, krossroads, neon lights, forgive and forget, making up for lost money, downtown, you are out of touch, 3 degrees below zero, first aid, just between you and me, he's by himself, just around the korner, reading between lines, growing ekonomy, west indies, one in a million, bakward glance


Athira said...

Did you actually write this whole up??? Whoa... Big effort u put into it, with all those twisted and shortened spellings.. Nice one, anyway..

dH said...

@ aths..

hmm....rote it for the colj magazine then.and at that time it was not tat a concious effort in riting the twistd and shortnd way...still whn i opnd it in word it was full of red underlinings.. nowadays if i rite tat it vl b an effort..

dH said...

@ aths..

hmm....rote it for the colj magazine then.and at that time it was not tat a concious effort in riting the twistd and shortnd way...still whn i opnd it in word it was full of red underlinings.. nowadays if i rite tat it vl b an effort..


Anonymous said...

nice man..

sreekanth said...

great mannnnnnnn lovely site........this site means different stories......good job all the best..........